About Us

CrossFit Fishers has been a  CrossFit Affiliate since 2009.   Our focus is to develop individuals and athletes to reach high levels of fitness through constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity. Our program will challenge you every day in new ways, never allowing you to slip into a routine. With the help of a fun and supportive community, and with a team of knowledgeable coaches and trainers, we can help you achieve the best results of your life. We offer Group Classes, Ladies Only Classes, Mobility Classes, Fitness Challenges, Personal Training, Nutritional Counseling and Nutrition Challenges.

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We focus our attention on being extraordinarily effective at coaching our clients to move efficiently to realize their athletic potential and achieve their fitness goals as quickly as possible through GPP (General Physical Preparedness). To ensure that all of our clients are provided with every opportunity to succeed, we require everyone to get started at CrossFit Fishers in one of two ways: Foundations Course or by Testing Out.  Once competed athletes then move into our group classes (class schedule) and can train during any of our available class times.

For more information or to sign up for our next Free Trial Class or Foundations course please fill out our Contact Us form.

“A year ago this week, I joined Cross Fit Fishers. I joined not with the goal of a New Years resolution but to better myself and make a lifestyle change. At that point in my life I was at my highest high and my lowest low. I had a perfectly beautiful 7 month old baby girl and couldn’t be happier with the life we had created… as for myself I was not happy. I was dealing with a little bit of post partum depression and like most moms felt so guilty and confused even saying those words (now I know it’s so normal and so common) but I knew that I needed something more, something for myself.

My husband had been going to CFF for over a year and loved it. Without his encouragement and him having the confidence in me and knowing that I “could do it” or my mom telling me “Kristi you need to do something for yourself” I would have never joined. I used to say “ I can never do that stuff” “I can just go to the gym and run on the elliptical and do some weights and be done and I will eventually get to where I want to be.” So one day I did just that, I went to the gym and did the elliptical, weights and out… 45 min max. I left knowing I would never step foot back in that gym again and canceled my membership the next day.

That weekend I went and watched Jordan workout at the CFF to see what it was all about… and I was welcomed by so many awesome people and I knew this was going to be different.

I started my introduction course the next week and from that point forward I never looked back. 
I am forever thankful for Pam and Troy and everyone at Cross Fit Fishers. Not only did they introduce me to a new me and a new way of life, they gave me my confidence back!

They also welcomed my little girl to their gym. Every single day (most days twice a day morning with daddy and at night with me) I put her in her stroller and park her in the same spot for an hour and she watches on as I work out. I can never thank them enough for this! It means so much more than I think they will ever know.

I have accomplished more in the past year and found out more about myself that I never even knew was possible! I hear all the time “Kristi you look so great” and I am so thankful to hear that, but the way I feel inside and the way I feel about myself now blows “looking good” out of the water. I’m a better me, a better wife and a better mommy because of the lifestyle change I made one year ago.

Thank you Cross Fit Fishers”
Kristi B.
